Crabtree Woodworks

Custom Wood Furniture / handmade in Wichita, Kansas

Flat panel TV stand (Walnut and purple heart) Post 2

After milling all the rough  lumber to size, its time to cut mortise and tenons  to join the base together. Cutting mortise and tenons with a tenon jig and a mortising machine makes me really appreciate this technology. I have cut plenty of these  with saws and chisels. The first pic shows a .25 mortise chisel cutting the mortises that will accept the tenons that are shown being cut in the second pic.

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Now its time to assemble the base. This base will serve as a bottom support plus the decorative round over or bull-nose  trim right above the top of the feet. Because of this I have to miter the front pieces together so that end grain is not exposed on the sides when it comes time to route the round over.  Anyone who woodwork’s knows  the challenge that comes with clamping  miters so they will stay in place. I am using biscuits splines to help keep the miter together.  Shown below is the  mitered corners and the glued up base. I will put this to the side so the glue can cure.  Next I will construct the two towers that will fit between the bottom and top. they also box in the center area where a  bottom drawer and component (DVD player) will be. The third pic show how the  bracket feet will be attached.

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